Kids Camp!
The Medicine Park Aquarium & Natural Sciences Center offers multiple camp options to get your kids plugged in to natural sciences and outdoor activity. Register early as spots are limited and they go quickly. Available camp dates will be reflected via a button below each camp that will direct you to the appropriate registration page.
Blue Gill Camp
It’s three days of fun! Campers will learn all about biology, nature and have tons of outdoor adventure. Plan on lots of interaction with our critters, crafts, fossil digs and games.
Ages 8 - 14
10am – 4pm, three days
Lunch, drinks and snack are included
Campers will receive a t-shirt, backpack and water bottle
Registration is limited to 12 kids per camp
$225 per camper
Biologist For A Day Camp
During the Biologist for a Day Camp, campers will learn all about what a Biologist does here at the Medicine Park Aquarium. Activities will include learning about the nutritional needs of the animals, participating in feeding, cleaning, and water quality testing of the tanks. Camps will also include lessons in animal anatomy, animal dissections, and more! We will be accepting 6 students per camp session. Register for your desired date below.
Ages 14-17
10am – 4pm (Wednesday)
Lunch, drinks and snack are included
Campers will receive a t-shirt, notebook & handouts
$75 per camper
Eww Science! Mini Camp
During the Eww! Science Mini Camp, campers learn all about animal poop and owl pellets, both of which are important in learning what animals eat. Then campers will turn “Eww” into “Aw” as they discover the world of creepy crawlies and learn about spiders, scorpions, insects, and more! Activities will include handling creepy crawlies like Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, worms, and rollie pollies, exploring the gardens for any gross surprises, and an owl pellet dissection. Campers will also learn about poisonous spiders common to Oklahoma to grow knowledge about what to watch out for.
Ages 8 - 14
10am – noon (Monday)
Recommend campers bring their own refillable water bottle
Snack will be provided at the end of camp
Registration is limited to 12 kids per camp
$45 per camper
Pollinator Mini Camp
Come learn what’s all the buzz about during the Pollinator Mini Camp! Campers will learn why pollination is important as well as the variety of animals that are considered pollinators. Activities include releasing and feeding butterflies, flower dissections, and pollinator crafts. This camp is all about Bees, Butterflies, Flowers, and Fun! We will be accepting 6 students per camp session. Register below.
Ages 8-14
10am – noon (Thursday)
Recommend campers bring their own refillable water bottle
Snack will be provided at the end of camp
$45 per camper
Reptile Mini Camp
Snakes and Lizards and Turtles and Alligators…oh my! This mini camp will cover the wonderful world of reptiles! Activities will include in depth tours of Snake Shack and Turtle Town, Turtle Races, Meet and Greets with several reptile friends, and a reptile craft! It’ll be a turtle-y good time!
Ages 8 - 14
10am – noon (Friday)
Recommend campers bring their own refillable water bottle
Snack will be provided at the end of camp
Registration is limited to 6 kids per camp
$45 per camper