Grey Fox Exhibit Coming Soon

Sponsor Needed

Ky, a young female grey fox, has joined our animal family. A local rehabber rescued her, but unfortunately, she is non-releaseable.  We are seeking a sponsor to help us build her permanent habitat. Please contact us to learn more.

For Donors

All donations are tax deductible.


Exhibit Sponsorships

We have over twenty years of expansion already planned and need interested donors to help us bring the full vision to life. Exhibit sizes and costs vary. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, contact Trisha Parker at (405) 213-5372 or

Direct Donations

Direct donations of any size are greatly appreciated. This type of donation will be in our hands faster and free from extra processing fees often incurred through other sources. You can mail a check or email Executive Director Rainette Rowland to process a payment via phone. She will contact you as soon as she can.

Mailing Address

Medicine Park Aquarium & Natural Sciences Center

P.O. Box 337

Medicine Park, OK 73557

Food Donations

If your garden is going crazy or you just want to add critter food to your grocery list, you may donate food by using the list below. Donations can be dropped off at the office (trailer at the corner of our parking lot) M-F 9 am - 3 pm. Please call ahead if you can as our staff is often away from the office. We want to be sure we can meet you to accept your donation. Please call (918) 232-0806.


DUMOR Poultry Grower/Finisher 15% Feed (Tractor Supply)


Chicken wings (raw)

Roast (as lean as possible)

Small mammals

Timothy hay

Rabbit food

Fish, Reptiles & Other

Shrimp (large and raw)

Romaine heads of lettuce

Mustard greens

Collard greens





Grassland tortoise pellets

Box turtle food

Macaw food

Cleaning and Sanitizing (For Tank Cleaning)

White vinegar

Bleach (non-scented)

Amazon Wishlist

You can also help us by choosing items from our Amazon Wishlist. Click the button below to visit the list.

Thank you!